Sunday, May 31, 2009

what's on GWT2.0 ??

Here are a few things that I was able to capture about GWT 2.0 during google i/o 2009.

with GWT 2.0, they have added RunAsync functionality. RunAsync gives you the ability to split your javascript into chunks of files. Which allows you, not to load the entire JS from the start.

They have added ClientBundle functionality. ClientBundle includes ImageBundle, ResourceBundle and CssResource (The killer feature). ImageBundle combines individual images into a single image in multiple dimensions. Simply lining up images left-to-right to create an image strip is sufficient. This will make fewer HTTP round-trips. This is what the code looks like:

Interface MyBundle extends ClientBundle {
public static final MyBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create(MyBundle.class);

ImageResource smileyImage();

ImageResource frownlyImage();

TextResource appConfig();

ExternalTextResource wordlist();

public CssResource css();

public TextResource initialConfiguration();

public DataResource ownersManual();

This is how you would use it:

Frame myFrame = new Frame(MyResources.INSTANCE.ownersManual().getURL());
TextResource configs = MyBundle.INSTANCE. InitialConfiguration();
String configXml = configs.getText();
Document doc = XMLParser.parse(configXml);

The CSSResource compiles CSS with an enhanced syntax. It defines and uses constants in CSS. E.g.

@define myBorder 8px;
@define myColor #FDD;
.error-border { border:myBorder solid:myColor; }

It also uses conditions for user agent, locale or anything.

/* Runtime evaluation in a static context */
@if (com.module.Foo.staticBooleanFunction()) {
... css rules ...

/* Compile-time evaluation */
@if {
... css rules ...
@if user.agent safari gecko1_8 { ... }
@if locale en { ... }

/* Negation is supported */
@if !user.agent ie6 opera { ... }

GWT 2.0 have updated sets of Panel that fix the Layout. The example given is the new and improve DockPanel. It doesn’t run javascript during resize. Constraints-based layout similar to Cocoa on OSX.

GWT2.0 have added option in the compiler is: -XdisableClassMetaData. Calling obj.getClass() or clazz.getName() forces class objects and their names to be generated into javascript. It has Size, speed and obscurity benefits.

GWT2.0 added options in the compiler is: -XdisableCastChecking. Nobody actually catches ClassCastException in app code. (I hope you are not doing this):

Void makeItQuak(Animal animal) {
Try {
((Quaker) animal).quak();
}catch(ClassCastException c ) {
Window.alert(“doesn’t quak!”);

The above example generates a call like this (compiled JS)

DynamicCast(animal, 2).quak();

But when the flag is turned on, you only get this:


How does this help you? In real-world (and very large) google app:
-1% script size reduction
-10% speed improvement in performance-sensitive code.

GWT have added RPC blacklist. Tell the RPC subsystem to skip types that you know aren’t ever sent across the wire:

<extend-configuration-property name="”rpc.blacklist”" value="”com.example.client.WidgetList”">

-Added Client side stackTrace on some browsers.
Throwable#getStackTrace() actually does something sometimes )

-Added interfaces on JavaScript Overlay Types.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

adding whitelist or blacklist option in maven GWT

If you are using Maven GWT plugin and find yourself lost in adding the whitelist or blacklist option in the configuration, do not worry, because it is not supported.

At first, I thought it's just another configuration tag, so i added:


But it didn't work. The solution is to add it in the runTarget tag. like this:

<whitelist>" ^http[:][/][/]sample[.]net"</whitelist>

<runtarget> -whitelist ${whitelist}</runtarget>

I hope this helps.

Monday, May 18, 2009

4 steps to add facebook connect (xfbml) to google web toolkit (GWT) app

Adding facebook connect (XFBML) to your Google web toolkit (GWT) application

This is a fast track tips on how to add facebook connect to your GWT based application.

Step 1: add a facebook application.
If you don't have the facebook application. Just login to facebook and search for the word "developer" in the search field of the menu bar.

select developer and add/install it. Select "Set Up New Application" , select an application name, select agree then save changes.
The next page is the application configuration. take note of your API Key, because you will be using it. In the left menu bar, select "Connect".
in the connect URL, add your URL. (e.g. http://localhost:8888/com.sample.facebookApp/ ). localhost will work, because facebook connect will not
ping your server.

Step 2: adding the facebook connect library
open your .html file and add the facebook connect name space and the javscript library.

<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">


<script src="" type="text/javascript">

Facebook said that its faster to add the script tab below the closing body tag.

Step 3: add Cross Domain Communication Channel in your GWT app.

create a file called "xd_receiver.html" or download the file from and save it to the
public diretory of your google web toolkit app. You will reference this file later in your code.

Step 4: adding the code in your EntryPoint.

a) Add a static final String called FB_API_KEY and XD_RECEIVER_URL.

public static final String FB_API_KEY = "YOUR_KEY_FROM_FROM_YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP";
public static final String XD_RECEIVER_URL = "/xd_receiver.html";

b) build init method. This method initialize the facebook connect in your app. You should call this method in your onModuleLoad()

private static native String initFacebook(String apiKey, String xd_receiver_url)
$wnd.FB_RequireFeatures(["XFBML"], function(){
$wnd.FB.Facebook.init(apiKey, xd_receiver_url);

c) Define the loginHandler. The login handler gets executed after a user login has login to facebook connect. This method should be called
in your onModuleLoad().

private native void defineFbLoginHandler() /*-{
var fbConn = this;
$wnd.facebookConnectLogin = function() {
//The "@com.sample.facebookApp.XfbmlPrototype" is the fully qualified name of your GWT app EntryPoint.
//The renderFriendsList is the method that will be executed after you login. (aka. login handler).

@com.sample.facebookApp.XfbmlPrototype::SESSION_KEY = $wnd.FB.Facebook.apiClient.get_session().session_key;

public void onLoginHandler() {
Window.alert("Login is successful!!");
//You can start adding XFBML comments here, like welcome notes, friend selector, etc.

d) define a parseDomTree method. Since facebook XFBML is not standard, you need to execute a method for them to render.

private static native void parseDomTree() /*-{

e) define your login button.

private Widget makeFbLoginButton() {
String fblogin = "";
HTML html = new HTML(fblogin);
return html;

As you can see, in the onlogin we point it to "facebookConnectLogin()". This method is define in defineFbLoginHandler() method we created in step c.

To sum it all up, your onModuleLoad() method will look like this:

public void onModuleLoad() {
FlowPanel loginPanel = new FlowPanel();

Widget fbLoginButton = makeFbLoginButton();


Take note that facebook widgets doesn't render in Google Hosted mode. I tried DeferredCommand but it doesn't work. Make sure to compile and test it in a

Here's the link to all the facebook connect tags that are available:

These are the books that I recommend:
1) GWT in Practice
2) GWT in Action
3) Google Web Toolkit Applications (Paperback)